Babu Bodhraj Convent School

Academic Director

Our Educational legacy is long and enduring.

For over 30 years, we have made education a mission and quality the fulcrum of their commitment.

We are entrusted with the future, the careers and the lives ahead of the students. We need to nurture them as learners, inculcate values and arm them with the necessary skills that will help them make the nation proud.

Our students are exposed to the journey of holistic education which will prepare them to be confident, expressive and independent leaders. They will face challenging experiences that will bring new horizons of learning into their lives.

We recognise that children have many strengths that must be inculcated for their balanced personality. Our philosophy is simple living and high thinking. I wish students all the best to become a role model, a leader in the world.

Mrs. Vibha Chopra
Academic Director
Babu Bodhraj Convent School